Magic Number
Making math easier.

What’s New: Updated for macOS Sonoma. Optimized for Apple Silicon.
See better
See your calculations clearly.
See math in absolute beauty.
See better results.
Work faster
Enter your math naturally.
Edit as freely as you want.
Nothing gets in your way.
Enjoy math
Do everyday math with joy.
Solve problems with ease.
Sail through everything.
See better
Work faster
Type naturally
Be super productive.
Do everything from the keyboard.
Do it fast with the easy customizations.
Edit freely
You can click.
Or use
◀ ▶
You can also insert
and do much more.
Share beautifully
You can copy or export
expressions as PDFs.
These PDFs are scalable;
they are beautiful at any size.
For many people, Magic Number
is their handy equation editor.
Enjoy math
Everyday math is easier.
Hard math is no longer hard.
Problem solving
Superior trigonometry
Complex numbers
Engineering formats
Precision + Capacity
Extra helpful
Over 100 — for age 5 to 105.
- Arithmetic (6)
+, –, ×, ÷,
modulo, quotient - Percentage & Tax (11)
3 types of operations:
a + b%, a – b%, a × b%
For compound interest.
For finding the original amount from an amount inclusive of %.
Other functions include ‘% change’ and ‘as % of’
Learn more
- Date & Time (10)
4 types of operation:
Day of the week from date,
duration between two dates,
date after some days,
date befor some days.
6 conversion functions.
Native arithmetic and percentage operations.
Custom frame rate for timecode calculations.
- Roots & Exponents (10)
√, n√,
x–1, x2, x3, xY, x1/Y,
ex, 2x, 10x - Logarithm (4)
loge, log10, log2,
log(base, x)
- Angle & Geometry (11)
convert to radians,
convert to degrees,
convert to d° m′ s″,
hypotenuse, adjacent,
distance between 2 points,
equation of a line,
magnitude of vector,
angle between 2 vectors,
scalar product,
vector product
Learn more
- Trigonometric (12)
sin, cos, tan,
sin–1, cos–1, tan–1,
csc, sec, cot,
csc–1, sec–1, cot–1 - Hyperbolic (12)
sinh, cosh, tanh,
sinh–1, cosh–1, tanh–1
csch, sech, coth,
csch–1, sech–1, coth–1 - Complex Numbers (7)
real part, imaginary part,
argument, absolute value,
conjugate, convert to polar, convert to rectangular
Plus easy ways to exploit complex numbers as 2D vectors. Learn more
- Rounding (6)
round, truncate,
floor, ceiling,
integer, fractional part
- Statistical (12)
sum, count, average, maximum, minimum, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, geometric mean, harmonic mean, product
- Comparison (5)
max – min,
max ÷ min, min ÷ max,
max ∆% min,
min ∆% max - Linear Regression (8)
Slope, forecast x, forecast y
x-intercept, y-intercept
correlation coefficient,
coefficient of determination,
standard error of estimate
- Combinatorics (6)
Combinations, permutations, factorial, double factorial, subfactorial, gamma function
- Bitwise Operators (10)
and, or, exclusive or,
nand, nor, xnor, not, 2’s complement, <<, >>
- Numeral bases (4)
Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal
- Numeric formats (7)
General, significant digits,
fixed decimal places,
scientific notation,
engineering notation,
metric prefix, fraction - 25 digits precision
- 50+ scientific constants
- 10 variable-like memories
- 4 customizable tax rates
- Reuse history anytime
- PDF export
- Menubar app mode
- Global shortcut
- Shortcut customization
- Touch Bar support
Many happy users
“Fantastic calculator for OS X…
incredibly easy to use”
“By far the most flexible and useful calculator
I have on either my Mac or iOS devices.”
KeithRT, USA
“This is to calculators
what the iPhone was to cell phones.”
ArtMonster, USA
“It really is strangely joyful to use…
it just gets the job done without any hesitation,
learning curve, or stupid workarounds.”
Ksnyde, USA
“ 真的是我用過所有計算器裡面最棒的 ! ”
雪齋, China
“Die Referenz in Sachen Taschenrechner-App.”
BjoernImNetz, Germany
“This is the kind of app that makes me wish
I had even more reason to use it!”
DavidStevens, UK
“It really helped me get my head around my maths homework
by helping me perform calculations in a more visual and
intuitive way than other scientific calculators…”
Culturion, UK
“It’s not magic, it’s what
calculator apps should have been.”
JayWang, Australia
Featured by Apple:
‘Best New Apps’ in January 2014
‘Back to School’ promotion in September 2014
Average App Store
rating across the world.
For Mac.
macOS 10.11 or later.
English, Deutsch,
Español, Français, Italiano.
中文, Русский
$ 7.99 / 7.99 € / £ 5.99
(Price may vary due to exchange rates.
Sales tax may apply in your country.)